Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sue - Sewing Machine

Sue ~ the NEW face of a sewing machine??
After you watch this video (link above)~ which really doesn't show the machine in use, but points out the visual modern impact of it's 'out of the box' approach to the 'usual' you decide...  I'm sure it has a place but for the practical sewist it may lack just a bit.  One really cool thing it does is that the foot pedal facilitates the machine to operate forward or in reverse ~ very innovative!  Kudos James Wood 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Happy 60th Kathy!!

I am lucky to have such a special lady as my sister-in-law.......

She turns 60... but trust me, for her that is just a number!  She doesn't look it ~ it must have been all of those NY winters, they've preserved her well~ She doesn't act it ~ she's a hoot!!  I love her so!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Frank Lloyd Wright ~ Fallingwater

Frank Lloyd Wright  = Design...
What a pleasure for me to share with you this video I just found of a Frank Lloyd Wright design piece seemingly assembled before you own eyes...  Truly a treat... '
Click on Frank Lloyd Writht at the beginning of this entry to view...  enjoy

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Homemade Ketchup

Okay  homemade ketchup recipe on the agenda!! Give this a read and see what you think ~ one lady says it's a great recipe and she uses tomato sauce ~ another uses tomato paste to shorten the cook time to reduce ketchup... I'm going to try it~

Happy Father's Day!!

Need I say more!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Invitation ~ Busy Gal Quilts

I have invited my east coast cousin Bonnie to be a contributor on this site.  I am hoping she takes the invitation to co-write on the Busy Gal Quilts blog...  I am currently in the process of making a bit more room to do some cycle quilting...  There are 5 quilts taking up space in my brain: I have the fabric, the concepts, the time but not the space.  So I need, need, need to organize. I will take pictures along the way (in an orderly fashion) as I tend to be 'all over the place,' this is turning into a 'True confessions' segment...  (cont) and share them with you.  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


One of my favorite quilters to follow is  She is the best...  not dull, talented willing to share...  Just a pleasant experience every time I visit her neck of the woods...  Stop by, give her a peek you'll go back I promise...  

Watermelon Sampler ~ ShopHop

Join one, join all!!  The Fab Shop Hop Sampler is aboard.  Go to  for a good chance to win prizes through the ShopHop activities of going from shop to shop searching for the bunny...
Along the way you will encounter the many fabric shops dotted throughout the country and broaden your spectrum of reality having fun along the way... I'ts truly amazing how much fabric is available... Most shops have specials bringing potential purchases to a spectacular finish..  Win ~ Win I say!!!  The shophop activities are free, just join... Today!!  Play at your leisure and in no time, you've visited 100's of shops from the comfort of your own home...   I have been fortunate to win, I know you can too...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Etsy Wedding Registry

Etsy ~ A place I know to find let's say, out of the ordinary things, has a Wedding Registry...
hmmmmm...  I say, lets's start a list for when you get married...  Not your 'run of the mill' registry...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Bright Star

Sometimes I go off subject with 'different' subject matter... Knowing that many of the women who view this blog have young families I would like to share a resource I just found @ the Bright Star site.  They have available downloadable PDF's  "New Sitter" checklist, "Babysitter Interview" and LifeCare checklists...
Take a look ~ if you don't need it but knows someone who might, by all means share...
God Bless

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Very cool find ~ Victoria & Albert Museum

 Grab a picture and turn it into a quilt!!

This is Marleigh - and what her quilt would look like!!

Can't wait to do this  one!!

Stop by and visit the Victoria and Albert Museum
there is a lot to see at this site..


Friday, May 25, 2012

Lisa at the Pipkin House

Well, I have just found a new blog to watch.. .She, Lisa A. is mentioned in a blog I was reading called  Lisa really has a nice way of using color (at least I really like it)...
Take  a look at her blog you won't be disappointed!!  This picture post alone would be enough for me to visit and revisit...  Isn't this the cutest!!


Winterkist  by Monica Solorio-Snow at Happy Zombie.  Awesomeness!!! She is having a "Giveaway". This is a lovely collection of Gnoma and co-ordinating Gnoma fabrics It really is cute and I absolutely love the color ways she chose Nice work Monica Solorio-Snow at Happy Zombie!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Singer Sewing Machine 5532

Singer Sewing Machine 5532 .  Oh what a feeling!  I could not imagine what a dream this machine is to operate! She purrrs like a kitten ~ what a dream!!  I am a happy girl...  
I've had my share of machines ~ they've been a part of my life since I was 10 yrs old.
(Ehem- did I say that out loud) ~  This machine is what I call a dream ~ soooo smoooth ~
I can't get over it... sturdy ~ strong ~ confident * I mean mechanical and not so digital *computerized* had it ~ don't want it ~  try one, enjoy!!  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ham and Cheese Sliders | The Girl Who Ate Everything

Ham and Cheese Sliders | The Girl Who Ate Everything

Ham and Cheese Sliders | The Girl Who Ate Everything

Ham and Cheese Sliders | The Girl Who Ate Everything

Clover USA » Make It » 9 patch diamonds and squares abstract table center piece

Clover USA » Make It » 9 patch diamonds and squares abstract table center piece
9 Patch can happen in all sorts of applications...  Here is a clever use of yo yo in varied
types of fabrics to include voile & cottons with the 9 patch clusters joined with juxtaposing
the squares and diamonds...  In this case I can share what the designer was thinking (cause I
designed it)..  I keep going back to it cause I'm not over wondering if it needs 'something else'
like the sheer black used as a single round around the the whole piece.  Pond

Thursday, March 8, 2012

One thing leads to another...

filzfelt    I ran across this gem while I was looking at Martha's pages... they have a sweet felt bag showcased...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston ~ R.I.P ~

Whitney, your gift of song was truly something special....  Thank you for sharing...
I've never been one to have a care for what a celebrity thinks or does...  however...  I can't imagine going to my x-wife's funeral...  and because there isn't room for my 9 person entourage, leaving!!!  bobby brown is a real POS...