Monday, May 30, 2011

Let me create a memory quilt for you or someone you love...

Do you have a tote somewhere in your home that holds cloth memories?? The kids baby clothes, hubby's frayed shirts, concert tee shirts,  a collection of bandannas, ties, favorite dresses that fit no longer or remnants of a sort... Why not turn them into a quilt, throw or sash to lay across your bed that you can see and touch every day or hang as a wall decoration to put a smile on your face every time you see it.. It's time to free that bin up for something else!  Clear your clutter.  Email me, Donnalee, and we can discuss your options... It's time, clear the cobwebs and move forward.  Cheers  

Hello World

Sew much to do Sew little time...  BUT step by step...  Tell me how it is for you...  When life is a little 'rocky' at  home, do find designing to be a little less than satisfying??  For me it's like my mind enters a fog and the act of being creative kind of wanes...  Summarily being ineffective and lack luster...  What is it like for you??
Then when homelife is more harmonious I feel creativity so much easier...  How about you??
Feel free to share what you think, I'm just curious how it works for you...  Thanks !

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I've been kind of slow on the blog scene lately with regard to sewing that is....  I have been given a project to Tweet, blog and do social media for a gal that owns a company of food trucks...  That has really been a fun thing to do!!  Carefree Catering  in Las Vegas NV is the company...  If you're looking for a detour veer off and check out Carefree Catering, we're on Twitter, FB  and blogspot...  Tada....  It's been a fun escapade for me....

Saturday, May 7, 2011

D&R: Rita & Duffy's 55th Wedding Anniversary ~

A blog I created for my parents who celebrated 55 years of marriage this last April...
I invited family and friends to leave a comment...  Mon and Dad really enjoyed this...
Stop by, take a look...   D&R: Rita & Duffy's 55th Wedding Anniversary ~

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crochet Dish Cloth Swap / Shop Hop

Almost done with my crochet pieces for Amanda....  making a little bonus to send to her as well...  Been under the weather so progress has been slow...   In February I participated in a shop hop...  and low and behold...
I actually won $100.00 credit for fabric...  It arrived yesterday and OMG it awesome!!  Never before have I had the gift of anything like this in my life...  I am so thrilled!!  I picked  from the 'Flolic" line and got 1 of every one available...  So cool...